
  • Projects


Nature and rural heritage conservation

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Palombar develops and integrates several national and international projects, through which we fulfill our mission of conserving biodiversity and ecosystems and preserving the constructed rural heritage. The various projects of our organization have collaboration from several partner entities. Some of these projects are currently underway and others have already been completed. 



Drop-saver Tour

The project For a drop - Drop-saver tour was approved by the Environmental Fund in October 2022 and its main objective is to raise awareness in the community about the importance of tap water consumption and other sustainable sources that favour the reduction of waste production, focusing on its efficient use. It is implemented on the ground in 2023.

European Stag Beetle

In January 2023, Palombar joined the Network of Ambassadors of the European Stag Beetle project, whose main objective is to compile and organise information sent by citizens on the distribution and status of populations of the largest beetle in Europe: the European Stag Beetle. 


Landscape Unit for the Restoration of Habitats in Algoso

The 'UP4REHAB - Landscape Unit for the Restoration of Habitats in Algoso' project developed by Palombar was approved in October 2022 and is funded at almost 745 thousand euros by the European programme COMPETE 2020 and REACT-EU initiative. Its main objective is to promote the restoration of cork oak forests and soil conservation. 

LIFE Aegypius return

The 'LIFE Aegypius return - Consolidating and expanding the Cinereous Vulture population in Portugal' project, funded by the LIFE Program of the European Union and which started in September 2022, has as main objectives to increase the population of the cinereous vulture and improve its conservation status and threat status in Portugal. 


In 2022, Palombar signed a collaboration agreement with the LIFE EUROKITE project, whose main objective is to promote the protection and conservation of the red kite in Europe, in a transboundary approach and with a focus on reducing the mortality of the species associated with anthropic threats, using telemetry. 

Cereal Fields with Biodiversity: Save the Montagu's harrier

On May 17, 2022, Palombar signed the protocol of the project 'Cereal Fields with Biodiversity: Save the Montagu's harrier', which aims to protect and conserve this one of the species of terrestrial fauna most threatened with extinction in Portugal.

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European Observatory of Wildlife

Palombar signs a collaboration protocol to join the European Observatory of Wildlife, which promotes population and health monitoring of wildlife in Europe and was created under the European project ENETWILD. 

Hands on - Volunteering teams for Rural and Natural Heritage

The project 'Hands on - Volunteering teams for Rural and Natural Heritage' of Palombar - Nature and Rural Heritage Conservation, developed and approved in the scope of the Volunteering in High Priority Areas programme of the European Solidarity Corps of the European Union, has as its main objective to promote the restoration and conservation of the rural and natural heritage of the Northeast Transmontano and will be implemented during 2022. 

Essay on Vultures - documentary for schools

Palombar, together with the Peripécia Teatro company, produced an environmental awareness documentary about vultures based on the theatre play 'Essay on Vultures' and aimed at schools.


Co-management of the natural parks of International Douro and Montesinho

Palombar is a member of the Co-management Commissions of the natural parks of International Douro (PNDI) and Montesinho (PNM). The Co-management Model of the protected areas is coordinated by the Institute for Nature Conservation and Forests (ICNF).

MammalNet: Collaboration with IREC, UCLM-CSIC-JCCM

iMammalia App - PT version. In October 2021, Palombar established a collaboration with the Institute for Research on Hunting Resources of the University of Castilla-La Mancha, in Spain, under the European project MammalNet, being responsible for the translation and adaptation of the iMammalia app to Portuguese.

Networking Event - What if the Brown Bear comes back?

Palombar organized, in October 2021, the 'Networking Event - What if the Brown Bear comes back?', an Iberian event whose main objective was to debate in advance what may be one of the great challenges of nature conservation in Portugal: the potential return of the brown bear (Ursus arctos) to the north of the country and its coexistence with humans, and to lay the foundations for future cross-border actions for the conservation of the species on national territory. 


In September 2021, Palombar established a collaboration with the Institute for Research on Hunting Resources of the University of Castilla-La Mancha (IREC, UCLM-CSIC-JCCM) in Spain, as part of the ENETWILD international project. 

LIFEPLAN: collaboration with CIBIO-InBIO

In 2021, Palombar signed a collaboration agreement with CIBIO-InBIO - Research Centre on Biodiversity and Genetic Resources, Associated Laboratory of the University of Porto, under the international project LIFEPLAN - A Planetary Inventory of Life, coordinated by the University of Helsinki, Finland.


Reconnect to Nature: birds do more than sing

In October 2020, the project 'Reconnect to Nature - birds do more than sing' is approved, which has funding from the Environmental Fund - Ministry of the Environment and Climate Action and is developed in territories of the Intermunicipal Community of Terras de Trás-os-Montes (CIM-TTM). 

Sentinels - Networking for Monitoring Threats to Wildlife

The Environmental Fund approves Palombar's application 'Evaluation of the Vulnerability of Wildlife to Illegal Use of Poisons and Reinforcement of the Sentinels Network against Threats to Wildlife', developed in partnership with the University of Oviedo in Spain, which has reinforced the Sentinels project started in 2019 to create a Networking for Monitoring Threats to Wildlife.

Birds Ringing Station

Palombar creates the first Birds Ringing Station of Constant Effort (EAEC, in the Portuguese acronym) in Trás-os-Montes region, located in the village of Vila Chã da Ribeira (municipality of Vimioso), with the main goal of contributing to the scientific study of the birdlife present in the region. 



Approval of the project 'Sentinels - marking and tracking of Gyps fulvus griffins as a tool to fight illegal use of poisons in Portugal'. This project is financed by the Environmental Fund and carried out in the Natura 2000 territory, in partnership with the University of Oviedo, in Spain.

National Census of Iberian Wolf 2019-2021

Palombar was responsible for the 'Lote 3 - Northeast os Trás-os-Montes region" of the National Census of the Iberian Wolf 2019-2021, coordinated by Institute for the Conservation of Nature and Forests.


The Natura 2000 Passport application (app) for mobile devices works as a digital passport that allows you to discover the nature, heritage and communities of Natura 2000 Network areas in Portugal, the world's largest network of protected areas for nature. 

Collaboration with the University of Oviedo

Palombar has a collaboration protocol with the University of Oviedo Foundation (FUO), in Spain, with a view to develop several projects in the area of nature conservation and biodiversity, in partnership with this higher education institution.  

Biodiversity Hotspot

In 2019, the Biodiversity HotSpot project was approved by the Environmental Fund, which is developed by Palombar and AEPGA in the SCI Sabor and Maçãs Rivers.



Approval of the Palombar project 'ConnectNatura - Improving Connectivity Conditions for Wildlife between Natura 2000 Network Areas'. It has financing from the Environmental Fund.


Palombar is part of the consortium SACR - Active Sensitization of the Rural Community, together with AEPGA - Association for the Study and Protection of Asinine Cattle, under which the project 'FOR A DROP - for the efficient use of water' was developed. This project is financed by the Environmental Fund.  


Junto à Terra - EDP

Since the academic year of 2016/2017, Palombar has been a partner in the practical component of the project Junto à Terra (JaT), an environmental education project aimed at school communities that ensued from an EDP strategy to mitigate the impact on biodiversity resulting from the Baixo Sabor and Foz Tua hydroelectric plants.  


Life Rupis

In 2015, the LIFE Rupis project was approved, in which Palombar participates as a partner. This project aims to build up the populations of Egyptian vulture and Bonelli's eagle in the Douro river valley.


Northeast Group

Since 2012, the organization has been part of the team from Northeast - Group for Sustainable Development Promotion, which has been carrying out the Compensatory Measures for the Hydroelectric Use of Baixo Sabor, funded by EDP.


Traditional dovecotes - REN

Recovery of five traditional dovecotes within the scope of the Compensatory Measures of the Mogadouro - Valeira Line, financed by REN - National Electricity Grids.


Between 2007 and 2009, Palombar was one of six local organizations involved in the implementation of the 'Emergency Plan for the Recovery of Three Rupicolous Birds Species in the Douro International Natural Park' (PEAR).  


Palombar SP2.P5/02

Implementation of the Palombar project - SP2.P5 / 02 - Recovery and Enhancement of Traditional Dovecotes, promoted by CoraNE, within the scope of Interreg III A. Cross-Border Cooperation.