
  • Nature Conservation

Nature Conservation

Preserving ecosystems and biodiversity

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Nature conservation is vital to ensure the preservation of ecosystems and biodiversity. The conciliation and balance between human activities and Nature protection will allow the conservation of all species of fauna and flora, from the largest species to the smallest being, as well as their habitats. Nature conservation is one of Palombar's main areas of activity. Our intervention covers actions and projects focused on the preservation of wild fauna and habitats, scientific research, indigenous forest, agriculture, environmental education and awareness, especially in the region of Trás-os-Montes.



Palombar mostly promotes the preservation of species of birds of prey, scavengers or endangered predators in Portugal. Several species of mammals are also targeted by our organization’s actions or benefit for our activities. Through habitat management, good agricultural practices and the recovery of rural heritage, we protect several other species of vertebrates and invertebrates.

Conservation and monitoring
We have developed and incorporated several wildlife conservation projects, such as ConnectNatura, Sentinelas and Life Rupis and we monitor various species of birds and mammals, such as the Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus), Bonelli's eagle (Aquila fasciata), red partridge (Alectoris rufa), rock pigeon (Columba livia), wild rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), deer (Cervus elaphus), roe (Capreolus capreolus), wild boar (Sus scrofa) and wolf (Canis lupus), aiming to implement measures for biodiversity conservation.

Revitalization of traditional dovecotes
Our organization restores and maintains dozens of traditional dovecotes in Trás-os-Montes, with the aim of increasing food availability for endangered species of birds of prey, as rock pigeons are part of their diet.

Artificial Feeding Units (UAA)
We have created and maintained UAAs mainly for red partridge and wild rabbit, which are prey for various species of wild fauna.

Management of Supplementary Feeding Areas for Necrophagous Birds
Within the scope of several projects, Palombar ensures the creation and maintenance of Feeding Fields for Necrophagous Birds (CAAN), in order to benefit bird species with necrophagous habits. We have also been working on the implementation of non-fenced areas for feeding necrophagous birds, an approach that favors the supply of additional food in a natural, unpredictable way and with greater benefits for the species and their food prospecting habits.

Shelters for wildlife
Palombar promotes the recovery and conservation of constructed rural heritage, which constitute shelter for wildlife: traditional dovecotes are recognized as homes for rock pigeons, stone walls shelter flora, insects, reptiles, micro-mammals and even birds, while the ruins of rural buildings are chosen as the stronghold for a huge variety of animals. By recovering elements of the rural heritage or simply preserving ruins, our organization is contributing to the creation of favorable conditions for the fixation of wildlife.
We also install shelter boxes for bats, nest boxes for birds and temporary ponds in the territory, which benefit and create conditions for the conservation of diverse wildlife groups and have a fundamental role in the implementation of agro-ecological and agro-environmental measures. 




Our organization develops and promotes scientific research in the areas of Ecology, Conservation Biology and Ecosystem Management and collaborates with the development of national and international academic works, particularly master's and doctoral theses. 




The autochthonous forest, essential for maintaining biodiversity, has diminished in the national territory over the last decades, especially in the Northeast Transmontano region. In order to contradict this tendency, Palombar has been dedicating itself to autochthonous forest recovery, by various means, such as the creation of a forest nursery of native species, reforestation and promotion of sustainable management of forested spaces, thus guaranteeing not only the development of trees, but also the balance of all life that they support.




The combination of all the knowledge associated with agricultural practices and the traditional varieties of horticultural and fruit species is an immensely wealthy heritage.
Agricultural activity also plays an ecological role, through the creation of conditions to promote biodiversity.

Seedlings and Sown Biodiverse Permanent Pastures
Every year, Palombar sows traditional varieties of cereals - barbela and sodio wheat - and legumes - garroba - according to Organic Production procedures, to feed pigeons and other prey species of wild fauna, such as wild rabbit and the red partridge.
Our organization has also been developing different mixtures of cereals and legumes seeds that promote the balance of nutrients in the soil and the diversity of entomofauna.
In addition, we have carried out experiments with the purpose of installing permanent biodiverse pastures, which ensure the sustainability of agricultural activity and mitigate impacts on the environment, through the enhancement of environmental services.

Biological soil fertilizer
In partnership with AEPGA - Association for the Study and Protection of Asinine Cattle, we are studying and optimizing the composting processes using the by-products of our own activity, such as forest waste, straw, pigeon manure and vegetable debris, which, mixed with the Miranda donkey manure produces a high quality natural fertilizer, used in our sowing and pastures. We also develop experiments to create substrates based on organic compost as well as straw and chippings for growing mushrooms.

Soil conservation
Sowing, pasture and land interventions are carried out using soil conservation techniques, to promote sustainable use for agricultural methods and forest management. The main aim is to avoid erosion, compaction and increased soil salinity, so as to maintain the balance and sustainability of ecosystems and productive systems.

Organic garden
Palombar has an organic garden where we implement sustainable agriculture techniques (such as permaculture) and develop environmental education and training for technicians and volunteers.




Palombar carries out the management of terrestrial and aquatic habitats to restore the balance of ecosystems and promote biodiversity. Maintaining the essential ecological functions of habitats is essential to ensure the conservation of indigenous fauna and flora.